Quality Standards

Please note:

Decorduct is manufactured from Organic Compounds and is 100% recyclable thus meaning a lighter foot print on the planet and its scarce resources.

Recycling and sustainability compared to Steel products, cost, life cycle, weather resistance, maintenance etc.

No increase in dioxin emission from waste incineration.

No phthalates used in manufacture.

Lead free formulations.

No Cadmium based stabilizers or pigments.

Highly resistant to ignition.

ROHS Compliant

Decorduct is manufactured from PVC ridged extrusion compound and complies to international standards.

DESCRIPTION: This compound has been designed to exhibit enhanced heat stability, UV and self-extinguishing properties.

APPEARANCE: Powder of required colour.

PROPERTIES: All tests done on samples fit for testing.

The data in the test reports has been obtained from laboratory tests conducted on a representative sample of the required compound. All values are for general guidance’s only and fall within the realms of international standards.

Reports available on request.

ROHS Compliance testing.
Please note that with regards to the use of lead and or any other heavy metal types as per ROHS compliance, the 6 restricted materials specified by directive 2002/95/EC as unacceptable are as follows.

      • Cadmium
      • Mercury
      • Lead
      • Polybrominated Biphenyls
      • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers
      • Hexavalent Chromium.

We confirm that the PVC compound used in the manufacture of Decorduct does not contain any of the raw material chemicals as specified above.

DECORDUCT there is no alternative.

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